Improving healthcare affordability in the United States
As patients, families, employees, and taxpayers, we are paying too much for our healthcare compared to other nations and our health outcomes are no better. The Peterson Center on Healthcare identifies and promotes promising solutions to help make healthcare more affordable, efficient, and effective.
News & Views
Helping Employers and Consumers Evaluate the Cost and Quality of Healthcare Services
The Center offers recommendations to improve hospital price transparency, strengthen employer access to claims data, and leverage transparency for competition, choice, and efficiency.
PBGH Launches Groundbreaking Healthcare Data Project
The PBGH Health Care Data Project is supported by a grant from the Peterson Center on Healthcare.
Unlocking Healthcare’s Black Box: Why Trump’s New Transparency Order Matters for Employers and Consumers
The administration’s executive order is an opportunity to realize transparency’s potential in more functional and efficient healthcare markets.
Why Hospital Price Transparency Is Essential to Improving Employee Benefits
Mairin Mancino discusses how better pricing data can improve employer benefits while lowering costs and enhancing care.
Improving Price Transparency Data: Recommendations From Practice
In Health Affairs, researcher David Muhlestein highlights the challenges of analyzing payer price data and provides recommendations to unlock this data’s full potential.
Challenges with Effective Price Transparency Analyses
This Peterson-KFF Health System Tracker price transparency analysis examines how to interpret healthcare pricing data and its effects on comparing service prices.
Peterson Center on Healthcare Welcomes Three New Advisory Board Members
The Peterson Center on Healthcare is pleased to announce the appointment of three distinguished leaders to its Advisory Board.
Why Americans pay so much more for healthcare in 2024
Executive Director Caroline Pearson reflects on why Americans continue to pay more for healthcare each year in USA TODAY.