Informing Purchasing Decisions

We help healthcare purchasers understand and address the key drivers of healthcare costs to advance an affordable healthcare system.

As healthcare costs rise, purchasers—including federal and state governments and private employers—are spending more to provide health insurance coverage for the people they serve.

This drives down real wages; limits funds available for important priorities like education, housing, and infrastructure; and makes the United States less competitive globally.

With little transparency about healthcare prices, uncertainty about health needs, and limited negotiating power, it is difficult for purchasers to address high healthcare spending.

The Center works with governments and employers to develop partnerships to advance affordable, high-quality healthcare.

Our Programs

Advancing State-Based Efforts for Healthcare Affordability

The Center helps healthcare purchasers understand and act upon the leading drivers of costs to reduce their spending and make healthcare more affordable for states, employers, and residents.

Advancing Data Transparency

The Center is working to create a more competitive and effective healthcare system by improving access to data and information for healthcare providers, payers, policymakers, and regulators.

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New mom holding cute napping baby in arms, making video call to doctor, consulting pediatrician from home.

Fostering Innovative Solutions

We advance novel ways to improve healthcare outcomes and lower costs.

Cropped shot of a businesswoman delivering a presentation in the boardroom

Tracking System Performance

We measure and analyze the performance of the U.S. healthcare system to help decision-makers improve quality and reduce costs.