Center Staff Testifies Before Congress on Data Access to Strengthen ERISA and Employer-Sponsored Health Benefits
Last Updated April 16, 2024
Mairin Mancino testified before Congress in the House Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions’ hearing on strengthening ERISA and employer-sponsored health benefits. In her testimony, she emphasized the importance of data access for employers to better carry out their fiduciary responsibilities, motivate employer markets, and ultimately reduce healthcare costs.
Committee on Education & Workforce
Statement on 50th Anniversary of ERISA
Caroline Pearson, Executive Director of the Peterson Center on Healthcare, stated the following ahead of the 50th anniversary of ERISA.
Empowering Employer Purchasers: Recommendations to Support Market Transparency and Health System Performance
Center staff discuss how employers and purchasers must be equipped with usable health care market data and enabled to use such information effectively.
Ending Health Care’s Affordability Crisis Begins With Actions to Fix State Markets
Caroline Pearson emphasizes the benefits of states being able to more easily engage with local employers, healthcare providers, and payers.