How States Are Holding Payers and Providers Accountable for Health Cost Growth
Last Updated October 31, 2022
While continuing to rely on transparency and voluntary compliance, states implementing cost growth target initiatives may need to strengthen their accountability tools if payers and providers fail to keep spending in line.
Health Affairs
Statement on 50th Anniversary of ERISA
Caroline Pearson, Executive Director of the Peterson Center on Healthcare, stated the following ahead of the 50th anniversary of ERISA.
Center Staff Testifies Before Congress on Data Access to Strengthen ERISA and Employer-Sponsored Health Benefits
Mairin Mancino testified before Congress regarding the importance of data access to strengthen ERISA and employer-sponsored health benefits.
Empowering Employer Purchasers: Recommendations to Support Market Transparency and Health System Performance
Center staff discuss how employers and purchasers must be equipped with usable health care market data and enabled to use such information effectively.