Feb. 6, 2018
The February 2018 edition of Health Affairs focuses on the critical issue of diffusion of innovation within healthcare. With support from the Peterson Center on Healthcare, Blue Shield of California Foundation, The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust, and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, this issue takes a closer look at how innovation happens, best practices for scaling and spreading innovation, and what we can learn from successful diffusion efforts.
Innovation is often lost in the huge, sprawling healthcare sector, but lessons learned are invaluable to keeping innovative ideas moving and spreading.
Health Affairs has made a significant contribution to our collective knowledge about diffusion of innovation in healthcare. It also suggests the sector has much more to learn. One particular challenge that remains is translating this research into actions that providers, system leaders, payers, and policymakers can take to create a new standard of care.
The Peterson Center on Healthcare is committed to accelerating adoption of innovative care delivery that improves quality and lowers costs. By bridging the gap between knowing what to do and knowing how to do it, we can make high-performance healthcare a reality for all Americans.